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Skill And Experience

Photo Of Scott P. Wood And Aaron R. Conrad

We Will Fight Your Impaired Driving Charges

Too often people don’t think they can fight their charges of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs (OVI) or driving under the influence (DUI). Even if you failed a blood or alcohol test, however, you do have legal defenses available to you. Before you give up hope, talk to one of the experienced criminal attorneys at Conrad Wood Law in Lancaster. We will fight these charges every step of the way.

Our attorneys include members of the National College for DUI Defense and the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys. We are also a recognized partner with Intoxalock Ignition Interlock. When you work with our firm, we assign dedicated staff members to assist you with obtaining limited driving privileges while your case is pending.

Understanding Ohio’s Ovi And Dui Laws

Ohio considers anyone over the age of 21 driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of .08% or higher to be impaired. These levels are even lower if you are not 21 years of age. Impairment levels for drugs depend on the type of substance found in a blood or urine test.

You can fight these allegations, even if a chemical test works against you. Defenses include faulty testing equipment, unqualified testing personnel, improper procedures during your arrest and lack of probable cause for arrest, just to name a few. We will fight the criminal allegations against you and take the case to court if necessary.

Penalties Depend On Your Record

As in many states, the penalties in Ohio for an OVI vary based on how many past convictions you have on your record. Typical penalties include:

  • First offense – A suspended license of one to three years, a fine and three days to six months in jail
  • Second offense – A suspended license of one to seven years, a fine and 10 days to six months in jail
  • Third offense – A suspended license of two to 12 years, a fine and 30 days to one year in jail

Certain factors could change the penalties, including if you have an elevated BAC of .17% or higher or if you are under the age of 21.

What If You Refuse The Test?

Ohio is an implied consent state, which means that the law presumes that you consent to a chemical test as a condition of having a driver’s license. If you refuse a chemical test you could lose your license for up to one year, although we would try to have this suspension shortened for you. This type of suspension is an administrative penalty, however, and does not go on your criminal record. Note that the chemical test is different from a roadside test, which you may refuse without penalty.

Consult With Us Right Away

You should not wait to start your defense. Reach out to Conrad/Wood Law and schedule a consultation by calling 740-277-6404 or filling out our online form.